Some commonly asked questions are answered here. Contact us for specific inquiries and other questions.
What age range are the campers?
Ages 7 - 17 are welcome at Camp YouCan
Where is Camp YouCan located?
The camp location is Girlscouts Camp Catron. 609 N 60th Rd., Nebraska City, NE 68410
Is transportation to and from the camp provided?
No, there is no sponsored transportation. Parents are responsible for taking campers to and picking campers up from Camp YouCan.
What should my child bring to camp?
Pillow, sleeping bag, water bottle, toiletries, towels for showering, sunscreen if desired, sweatshirt for evenings, comfortable clothing, hat, close toed tennis shoes, plenty of socks and underwear. If you do not have a sleeping bag or pillow, Camp YouCan has plenty extra for your child to borrow. Please just let us know!
We will also have an afternoon of water games and a water slide, and swimming. Please pack a swimsuit or some clothes that you don't mind getting wet for a fun afternoon!
Please DO NOT send campers with: money, knives/fire arms, food, iPods, cell phones, or anything of significant value.
What is the camper check-in process?
Camper check-in will be on Saturday, June 28 at 9:30am. Please come in through the main lodge and check-in your camper. At this time, you will be able to meet with our Camp YouCan Nurses to check in medications. You will also be able to meet your child's camp counselors!
How many counselors will be at Camp YouCan?
Camp YouCan attempts to keep a ratio of 1 counselor for every 3-4. Camp YouCan also has 2 Camp Directors, a Neurologist, and Registered Nurses available at all times for our campers.
What qualifications and training do the counselors have?
The camp counselor staff will include — among others — nursing students, medical students, school counselors, teachers, and even adults with epilepsy themselves. All camp counselors will be at least 18 years of age and required to be interviewed, submit professional references and undergo a background check before being hired. All of the Camp YouCan staff has been trained in seizure recognition and what to do if a seizure occurs. Professionally trained Camp Rivercrest staff will run each activity.
What if a camper does not want to take part in an activity?
Although campers are encouraged to try all activities, no camper has to do any activities he or she does not want to do.
What contact will the parents and children have during camp?
Camp YouCan does not encourage parents and children to talk on the phone during camp as this may foster homesickness. In case of an emergency or to inquire about your camper, a phone number will be given to you at camper registration to reach camp staff if needed.
How should I package my child's medications to bring to camp?
Please bring all medications in their original containers. The bottle must state the child's name, name of the medication, dosage and time taken. A prescribing doctor's name and contact information must be on the bottle. If your child has a VNS, please send the magnet along with them to camp and include any instructions. The medication in the original prescription bottles and any other medical supplies MUST be placed all-together in one zip-lock storage bag with your child's first and last name (written in permanent marker) on the outside of the bag.
*If the medication is not stated on the Health Examination and Medication Order Form or additional permission is not stated in written documentation then we cannot administer the medication.